Wednesday, March 23, 2011


Sorry to all you pwoplw that actually read this!! I have been without a computer and unable to update. Well now I have a computer full time at my house so the update will be coming regularly I hope!! So this is going to be a brief update on everything!!!

So Kennadi turned 7 months! At seven months she was mobile not crawling but rolling EVERYWHERE!! Size 2 diapers and started calling me "ma ma ma" (Yay!!!) Kennadi at 7 months ------------------------------------------------------------------------->
The the next fun and exciting thing Kennadi turned 8 months!!! Now this was the big mile stone the day after her 8 month birthday she broke her first tooth and started crawling officially!! :( My baby is getting so big!! Still in size 2 diapers and wheres 3-9 months clothes depending on the brand!! Kennadi 8 Months ----------------------------------------------------------------------->
Alrighty, then on March 3rd Daniel turned 33! Oh what an old man he is! :) The night of his birthday we went to Spaghetti Factory that is becoming the tradition for his birthday! He loves the Spaghetti Factory and I can't complain because I'm quite faund of it myself!
<---The birthday boy and his dad.
On March 12th we went to Disney on Ice! We had such a fun time it was Me, Daniel, Anthany, Mariah, Allysea, Kennadi, my parents and Daniel's grandma! We had so much fun, even Kennadi loved it! All the pictures below are of that night! I don't know why I can't ever get the pitures to look decent so forgive me.

1 comment:

  1. So glad your back to blogging again miss reading up on you guys!! Looks like you guys have been doing alot!! Im totally jealous of Disney on Ice I wanted to go so bad, cant wait to take Ashlyn one day lol. I love how even Kennadi liked it to, and Allysea face shes making is priceless lol!
