Thursday, September 30, 2010

Long days... and NIGHTS

This week has been a hard one! Kennadi has a cold.... She is miserable! She has goopy eyes, runny nose, cough and yesterday she ate 2 oz at 10:30 a.m. fell asleep during that bottle and slept until 3:30 p.m. without waking up to eat. My poor baby just doesn't feel good! Luckily no fevers but just the cold alone has been making her miserable! She is acting more like herself today so i'm hoping the worst is over! But at night time she has such a hard time breathing through her nose, because she can't breathe through her nose not much sleeping go on. Her doctor suggested a humidifier during the day and a vaporizor with the vicks in it during the night. I tried that last night and it seemed to help her breathe alot better! This morning was the first morning in two days that she didn't wake up with her eyes glued just, i'm hoping that means it's hit it's peak and will only get better from here.

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Too tired for naps!

I don't know what is going on with Allysea but she is refusing to take naps. It started one day last week and just hasn't stopped. There are benefits to this from time to time she falls asleep around 7:30 or 8 and stays asleep until morning and I don't fight her half the day to get her to lay down. Well the other day she came into the living room with the movie Shrek 2 and asked me to watch it with her. I put it on and next thing I know she is sleeping standing up!! lol She was so tired at 3 in the afternoon that she slept standing up! So I have decided that she is just too tired for naps!

Sunday, September 26, 2010

The life of a two year old

Oh man how would it be to be again. Allysea has this little friend named Zander that she plays with often. He is Daniel's friends little boy. We have him over every once in awhile and Allysea goes over to his house about the same amount of time. So anyways, Friday night Daniel turned the sprinkler on to water the lawn and Allysea got this brilliant idea that her and Zander should go swimming. So as I go to check on the two in her room she is trying to put her swimsuit and trying to get Zander to put on one of her other swimsuits. I quickly put the kibosh on the idea and help Allysea get in her swimsuit and just left Zander run through in his shorts! Zander was a little scared at first but eventually was sticking his face right in the sprinkler!

After running through the sprinklers and taking a nice warm bath in their little swimmers diapers the two enjoyed some pizza and colored at Allysea's Tinkerbell table. I even caught Allysea trying to get Zander's attention and instead of calling him by his name she kept saying "babe" "hey babe" "come here babe". These two crack me up! When Zander is over here Allysea is so mean to him and when Allysea is at Zanders house he is so mean to him! The two are very territorial! They are are very good friends though and have fun when they get together!

Friday, September 24, 2010


I really can't believe that i'm writing a post about my baby being 3 months old. I never thought I would have her. I felt like I was pregnant forEVER!! Here she is at 3 months old ...

Well at 3 months this is what she does.... She is pretty good at holding up her head, sits in her bumbo for a short time, loves tummy time infact she falls asleep during tummy time, loves to smile, is working real hard at trying to roll over on her good days and tries really hard to hold her bottle.
I love this girl I swear she steals my heart more than I ever thought she could with each day!

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Bad mom??

So yesterday Kennadi was being a little bit on the high maintenance side. She didn't want to be in the swing, her bouncer, her boppy or her bumbo. She was fine if I laid her on her tummy on a blanket on the floor but the second I left the room she would get mad because she couldn't see me. I needed to get my dishes done because I knew if I put it off I would never get to them. So, I decided to put her blanket on the kitchen counter so she could see me and still be content. Now I know the pretty soon I will not be able to do this because she will start rolling but for now it worked perfect. After I finished the dishes I looked at her and realized she had fallen asleep. So, I let her take her hour and half nap on the counter.... Does that make me a bad mom? I thought about it and I just didn't want to move her because she had been fighting her sleep all day and she was finally sleeping peacefully.

Earlier in the day I decided to let her hangout in her bumbo she is getting so big she sat there and smiled the whole time. (Well until her big sister decided to come over and bug her) Sometimes Kennadi just doesn't understand Allysea's kind of LOVE!

Today I needed some stuff for dinner so I packed the girls up in the stroller and walked to Smiths. For the first time I let Kennadi sit up in her seat. I usually lay it down or put the carseat in for her to ride in. SHE LOVED IT!!!! She smiled, giggled, kicked her legs and swung her arms! I've never seen her so happy like that, it was like she was experiencing a whole new world!

Sunday, September 19, 2010

A Girls Day

So the other day Allysea and I were bored out of our minds and Daniel had overtime which usually means he won't be home until between 8:00 p.m. - 2:00 a.m. So we took advantage and had girl time! We did manicures, pedicures and put her hair in hot curlers!! It was so cute! We had alot of together! Her hair turned out really cute! Fot some reason I can't find a picture of the finish productHere are some of the pictures.

About a week before that I got the idea to do this but didn't really have to motivation and Allysea had this massive spider bite on her eye so she just wouldn't have looked at glamourous! Here is what she looked like with the spider bite. It was really bad, I had to take her to pediatrician and they put her on all sort of antibiotics.
Now that I can upload pics onto my computer from our camera I will upload alot more!!