Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Happy 6 Months Kennadi (12/24/10)

On the 24th my baby hit the 6 months mark! CAN NOT believe she is that old! Makes me sad, I'm for sure going to miss the baby years, they are going by so fast! She is half a year!!! So, Kennadi is finally doing very well with solids (FINALLY) She likes fruit in the mornings and veggies in the evenings. She loves carrots, beans, peas, squash, sweet potatos, apple sauce, bananas, peaches, pears, and pretty much anything I will let her taste and 6 oz of formula in between feedings! She can roll from her tummy to her back and is able to sit up for quite awhile unless she decides to be lazy. She holds her bottle all by herself but occasionally gets tired of it and wants someone else to do it for her. She wears size 1 diapers and any where from 3-6 months (bottoms- because of her skinny waist) - 6 months clothes depending on the brand (tops- because of her long torso). She weighs 15 lb 11 oz (50%) and is 26 1/2 inches long (90%). She generally wakes up once in the night for a bottle but goes right back to sleep. She loves to play with toys, still no teeth but is trying so hard to get some (not so fun for mommy) she is the most content baby I think i've ever been around needless to say I don't think I need anymore for fear it will be completely opposite!!

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Allysea's Birthday Party 3 of 3

Alrighty, now to get current. Saturday December 11th we decided to celebrate Allysea's birthday. He birthday really isn't until the 15th but because that falls on a Wednesday and our 18th is full of Christmas breakfest, lunch and dinner the 11th was the day it had to be. We invited all her little friends and and scheduled a birthday party table at Jungle Jims. She made out with a hall... I really think that Santa Claus should get a break this year!

Family Pictures 2 of 3

So this last Saturday (December 4th) we had family pictures done. I love the way they turned out!

Happy 5 months Kennadi 1 of 3

So I know i'm way behind on posting so this is going to be an extreme update day! On November 24th Kennadi turn 5 months old!!! CRAZY I can't believe how big she is getting. Now for a little about Kennadi.

She is still in size 1 diapers she wears depending on the outfit 3 months, 3-6 months or 6 months. She is getting good at sitting up. She can sit on the floor some days for 2 seconds and other days for close to a half an hour. She is finally deciding that baby food isn't all that bad and loves peaches. She still isn't rolling over but is getting really close to it. She is starting to teeth which makes her mama a little nutty some times due to lack of sleep. Still no teeth but they are def. trying to make an appearance!
The picture was taken on November 24th!