Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Happy 6 Months Kennadi (12/24/10)

On the 24th my baby hit the 6 months mark! CAN NOT believe she is that old! Makes me sad, I'm for sure going to miss the baby years, they are going by so fast! She is half a year!!! So, Kennadi is finally doing very well with solids (FINALLY) She likes fruit in the mornings and veggies in the evenings. She loves carrots, beans, peas, squash, sweet potatos, apple sauce, bananas, peaches, pears, and pretty much anything I will let her taste and 6 oz of formula in between feedings! She can roll from her tummy to her back and is able to sit up for quite awhile unless she decides to be lazy. She holds her bottle all by herself but occasionally gets tired of it and wants someone else to do it for her. She wears size 1 diapers and any where from 3-6 months (bottoms- because of her skinny waist) - 6 months clothes depending on the brand (tops- because of her long torso). She weighs 15 lb 11 oz (50%) and is 26 1/2 inches long (90%). She generally wakes up once in the night for a bottle but goes right back to sleep. She loves to play with toys, still no teeth but is trying so hard to get some (not so fun for mommy) she is the most content baby I think i've ever been around needless to say I don't think I need anymore for fear it will be completely opposite!!

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Allysea's Birthday Party 3 of 3

Alrighty, now to get current. Saturday December 11th we decided to celebrate Allysea's birthday. He birthday really isn't until the 15th but because that falls on a Wednesday and our 18th is full of Christmas breakfest, lunch and dinner the 11th was the day it had to be. We invited all her little friends and and scheduled a birthday party table at Jungle Jims. She made out with a hall... I really think that Santa Claus should get a break this year!

Family Pictures 2 of 3

So this last Saturday (December 4th) we had family pictures done. I love the way they turned out!

Happy 5 months Kennadi 1 of 3

So I know i'm way behind on posting so this is going to be an extreme update day! On November 24th Kennadi turn 5 months old!!! CRAZY I can't believe how big she is getting. Now for a little about Kennadi.

She is still in size 1 diapers she wears depending on the outfit 3 months, 3-6 months or 6 months. She is getting good at sitting up. She can sit on the floor some days for 2 seconds and other days for close to a half an hour. She is finally deciding that baby food isn't all that bad and loves peaches. She still isn't rolling over but is getting really close to it. She is starting to teeth which makes her mama a little nutty some times due to lack of sleep. Still no teeth but they are def. trying to make an appearance!
The picture was taken on November 24th!

Thursday, November 11, 2010


I know it's late but i've had a sick family so I haven't had much time to blog. On November 5th my grandma turned 80!!!! Our family all met up at Sizzler to celebrate her special day. Some of the family were unable to make it but we did manage to get 29 of us there!! It was such a good time! My grandma is such an amazing women, always there to give a lending hand. LOVE YOU GRANDMA!!!

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

End of October...

Geez this month has flown by!! It was a busy one for us and for some reason I don't have many pictures.... We carved pumpkins (Allysea painted hers) For some reason I only took a picture of one. We had lots of fun though and only made a minimal mess!

We only gave Allysea two colors of paint and I'm glad because she tried to paint the entire pumpkin with each. It was cute though! She was so proud of her pumpkin. She let everyone know that that one was hers!
Of course on Saturday we went trick-or-treating! It was alot of fun. We went to the mall where Allysea could stay warm and still get candy. I was kind of disappointed that our ward and my parents ward weren't doing trunk or treats! We had fun at the mall though even though it was packed full of people and you could hardly move, it's always fun to get Allysea out. Kennadi was a Lady Bug and Allysea was Tinkerbell. (Allysea would not let me get a good picture of her so it is what it is)
As most people know Allysea has been fighting naps like CRAZY. So, Saturday we had a little bit of a lazy start because I was cleaning in the morning, so we hadn't gotten dressed. I went into Allysea's room to find her totally crashed out on her floor!!! The other night Kennadi was being a little fussy so I was moving her arounf in different positions so I just finsh the last batch of clothes I needed to fold and put away. I put her one her tummy on her boppy right by me and she thought she was the coolest thing! She looked adorable.

Monday, October 25, 2010

4 Months Old

My baby is 4 months old!! She loves to talk/scream/scretch, play with small toys, drool, eat her hands, take baths, she laughs out loud and smiles at her mommt and daddy when they get home from work. She drinks 6 oz almost every feeding she wears size one diapers an can wear clothes from 0-3 months to 3 months (still a bit big for her). The break down from her doctors appointment are Weight: 13.8 lbs (50%), Height: 25 1/2 (90%), Head 41 cm (50%). She is TALL and SKINNY!!!

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Girls and Saturday Football

So, today the girls and I sat and enjoyed the BYU football game!! Happy to say, they WON!!! It's funny because at our house Daniel is not much of a football fan, but everyone who knows my family know we are big sports fans especially when it comes to BYU!!!

A fun night of bowling!

Last night we thought it would be fun to go bowling! I used to go bowling with my friends all the time and hadn't been in awhile so we decided to pack up the girls and go have some fun! Allysea, really enjoyed it!

Tuesday, October 19, 2010


This last weeking we went camping with Daniel's friend Jeff and his family. We had lots of fun! We staying in their trailer so the kids could stay warm and so they could have their luxery (the movie Cars). Kennadi only stayed one night because some JERK complained about the generator being too loud so we had to turn it off and the trailer got a little to cold for her. So I called my mom and she came and her and my dad came and picked her up on Saturday to sleep at their house where she could stay nice and warm! Another weekend of good company, lots of fun, good food, good weather and one last camping trip before snow!

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

The Beginning of Fall

I can't believe it's already October and boy has it been a busy month already. Football games, Wedding, Starting work, Emergency dentist appointments, sore throat, colds and hanging out with friends.
My aunt Judy has season tickets to the BYU football games. So Saturday my dad and I packed up and headed down. It's always fun to go to the games with Judy and I've been doing it since I was young. We always have such a good time and to make a good time great THEY WON! WaHOO They played San Diego, the game was full of action!
While I went to the game my mom watched the girls because when we woke up on Saturday Daniel looked like Jay Leno and was in serious pain! He was able to get into the dentist, after the dentist doped him and sent him home with some prescriptions for amoxicillan and percacets (sp?) and a little card with tomorrows date for a root canal! Needless to say he was in no condition to be watching children without supervision!
I woke up Saturday with a sore throat and it hasn't gone away yet. I'm hoping i'm not getting that cold everyone has or strep throat but with my luck it will be something!
Kennadi is finally after almost 4 weeks of a cold getting over it. Many days and nights she has had the humidifier and Vaporizor I think she is finally feeling back to normal except for the fact that she is showing signs of teething! :(
Sunday, one of Daniel's good friends had a Wedding, it was a beautiful wedding I loved all the fall colors. The pumpkin decorations and all!
Today I started back to work. It's nice to be back but I would consider it a bitter sweet. As much as I love and miss my babies I need time away and having more money is a definate bonus! Hopefully the rest of the month will be at a slower pace than it has started off as.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

For the love of SPAGHETTI!!!!!

Yesterday at breakfest Allysea threw a fit because she wanted Spaghetti. I promised her we would have it for dinner. Spaghetti is Allysea's favorite, if she had her way we would eat Spaghetti everyday morning, noon and night. I also love spaghetti so i'm usually never opposed to eating it! Everytime she eat it she makes a mess! I make sure that she waits for her bath until after eating because she gets it from her head to her toe!

Kennadi's Entertainment!

I came home from the store last night from buying Allysea's Halloween Costume, so find Daniel entertaining Kennadi HIS way! I couldn't help but laugh and take pictures. It's something I would have never thought of, but it worked. He said she had been there giggling for close to a half an hour by the time I got there!

The new furniture

Well I have some before and after pictures of Allysea's new (to her) furniture. I really like the way they turned out. This picture doesn't have the knobs on the desk. I will take a picture of all that once it's set up in her room they way I like it!

Friday, October 1, 2010

Out with the old and in with the new

This week and weekend are going to be full of new things! Starting off, yesterday... Daniel went to see about getting the Durango registered. Now this Durango lately has just been a sea of problems. Every weekend Daniel is fixing something new on it, so the news that was to come was pretty much expected. To pass inspection the truck needed new tires, some hoses for the radiator fixed, a new radiator, new rear ball joints and the transmission is going out. (For the record it was one of Daniel's good friend that he took it to to get looked at it) All that is about $5000 worth of work to be done, and all of it is stuff that needs to be done to avoid breaking down. Daniel came home upset because we do not have $5000 to just throw into the truck and considering he only has 10 more payments and the sucker is paid off it just didn't seem worth it. So we went to go look at some new trucks see what we could afford and to our surprise ended up driving a new truck home!!!!

Daniel's grandma bought Daniel's daughter Mariah a brand new bigger bedroom set and needed to get rid of the old set. We decided a couple months ago that Allysea is getting big enough that she doesn't need her toddler bed anymore. So we decided we would take it considering it's still in good condition so today after work Daniel is going to pick it up and Allysea is going to have a big girl room!!! Bye bye, toddler room! (Don't mind her messy room I promise it was clean this morning) Now if you couldn't tell by the pictures Allysea is a little bit of a Tinkerbell finatic. The dresser she is getting needs to be repainted so I thought to keep the Tinkerbell theme shes got going I would paint it LIME GREEN and PURPLE. It's going to look so cute! I can't wait until it's all done! I will post pictures of the finished.