Friday, March 25, 2011

Happy 9 Months Kennadi

Oh man where has the time gone.... I can't believe my baby girl is 9 months old!!!! When I was 9 months pregnant it seemed like the time went so much slower than the after birth!!!!! Now for a little about Kennadi:
-She crawls
-has two teeth
-loves playing with her sister in her sisters room
-is in to absolutely everything
-hates when the baby gate is put up and blocks her in
-pulls herself up to furniture and anything else at arms reach
-eats anything, and loves it all (including lemons, weird I know)
-wears a size 2 diaper
-wears 3-9 month clothes
-loves drinking a sippy
At 9 months Kennadi weighs in at 18.8 lbs (50%) and is 28" 1/2 tall (75%).


  1. So so cute!! Doesn't it seem slow while your pregnant and when there born time just goes by to fast??

  2. OMG!! It's felt like I was prego for an eternity!!!!
